Master Of Science in Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation (With Thesis) - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 2
Max.Program Time (Year) 3
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
About Programme

Physiotherapist is a health professional who has gained the ability to apply different assessment and treatment techniques in all kinds of injuries that lead to movement disorders, illness and old age, pain and functional disorders, and aims to improve health and quality of life. Especially in developed countries, health-promoting and disease-preventing roles of physiotherapists have been added to the therapeutic roles of physiotherapists in recent years with preventive physiotherapy and public health approaches.

In this program, it is aimed to train specialized health professionals who have the knowledge and skills to meet the increasing demand for physiotherapy services, who can access and interpret information through current research and transfer it to physiotherapy and rehabilitation services, contribute to improving the health of society and provide evidence-based services.

Head of Department
Associate Prof. Dr. Nuray ALACA
The program has been accepting students since the 2022-2023 academic year.
Qualification Awarded
Master's Degree with Thesis
Admission Requirements
To be a graduate of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department or Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation graduate program.
Have 55 points or more from the language test.
(For candidates who do not have a foreign language certificate, they will be required to score at least 60 in the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam to be held by the department.)

55 and above ALES points
(For foreign students, a minimum GRE score of 149 or a GMAT score of at least 450 is required.)
Undergraduate graduation score must be at least 2.50 according to the 4-point system or at least 65 according to the 100-point system
Higher Grade Transition
Those who successfully complete this program and receive a master's degree can continue their doctorate programs in related fields.
Graduation Requirements
Students who have been successful in the program by taking the courses that make up the graduation requirement and fulfilling the general criteria, have successfully completed the thesis study and been found successful in the thesis defense exam, are considered to have successfully completed their graduate education, provided that the passing grade determined by the Institute of Health Sciences.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates of the program can work as specialist physiotherapists in health institutions.
Assessment and Grading
Midterm exams/homework/projects etc. and a final exam are given for each course by the lecturers. Evaluation criteria for each course are specified in the course information package. Final exams are held within the dates determined according to the academic calendar announced by Acıbadem University Health Sciences Institute at the beginning of the year. Instructors evaluate all the work, homework, midterm exams and final exams during the semester and grade them according to the passing grade system determined by the Institute.