Master Of Science in Nutrition And Dietetics (With Thesis) - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 2
Max.Program Time (Year) 3
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
.Graduate Degree
About Programme

Nutrition and Diet Specialist is a certified person whose areas of expertise are included but not limited to;

- Growth, development and life-long protection and improvement of all individuals’ health,
- Designation of individual nutrition’s and mass feeding’s plans and programs in accordance with nutrition science’s principles for the enhancement of quality of life,
- Research, assessment and solution finding of health problems stemmed from nutritional element, food and nutrition,
- Providing proper use of existing food sources in balance with economy and health rules,
- Enlightment of the individual and the community about these issues to enable adaptation of physiological, psychological and sociological lifestyle,
- Planning, education, enforcement and observation of diet programs based on the combination of natural and therapeutic nutritions, which are in consistent with medical and surgical treatments of congenital and acquired diseases and other special conditions.

The aim of Acibadem University Health Sciences Institute’s ‘Nutrition and Dietetics Graduate Program with thesis’ is to educate scholars, who are or will be a part of researcher/specialist team; and thus to teach them how to plan and perform researches in nutrition and dietetics field in consistent with changing health necessities and consequently contribute to universal science by way of evaluating the results; and also to educate nutrition and dietetic specialists, who are intelligent, efficient, competent and knowledgeable at national and international level and capable to contribute to national policies.

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Murat BAŞ
The program has been accepting students since 2014-1015 academic year.
Qualification Awarded
Master Degree, Msc
Admission Requirements
The following requirements are applied to applicants wishing to enroll in a master's program:
a) Applicants should hold a bachelor's diploma accepted by the Institute Board
b) Applicants must hold the minimum ALES score determined by the Institute Board not being less than 55 in the score type required for the program applied. Exam scores from international exams recognized by the Higher Education Board such as GRE or GMAT are also accepted on the condition that the scores received are not less than the minimum standard score determined by the Higher Education Board. The Senate, however, may raise the accepted minimum standard score if they wish to do so.
c) Applicants are required to take a language proficiency exam administered by the University on the date announced. The results of the exam are sent to relevant Institutes. The acceptable score on the exam is determined and announced by the Administrative Board of the Institute.
d) Applicants holding an acceptable score from another language exam such as TOEFL, KPDS, YDS, ÜDS are exempt from the language exam administered by the University.
e) Applicants applying for a graduate program in languages must take a proficiency exam in a language other than that of their field of study
Higher Grade Transition
Graduates; Nutrition and Dietetics, Child Health, Nutrition, Internal Medicine, Public Health, Phytotherapy and Sports Sciences can apply to doctora programs.
Graduation Requirements
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meet a minimum of 120 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.70/4.00 and no FF, FG or NA grades and to prepare a seminar and a thesis.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates can be employed in hospitals, food service systems and in related departments of universities.
Assessment and Grading
Students who are successful by taking the compulsory and elective courses required for graduation in the program, achieving the grade point average determined by the institute of health sciences, and successfully completing their thesis work and defense, complete their education successfully.

Decal exams/exams, homework, project, report, and final exam are used as measurement and evaluation methods for evaluating students. For graduation, the overall GPA in the program must be at least 2.70 out of 4. Course grade score range value coefficient AA 90-100 good 4.00 BA 85-89 Good-Good 3.50 BB 80-84 good 3.00 CB 75-79 Medium -good 2.50 CC 70-74 medium 2.00 DC 70 and below 0.50 Failed FF, FG, NA Failed

Grades not included in the average